instedd: A group photo of more than 60 participants at EpiHack Laos
instedd: Channe Suy presents InSTEDD platform Verboice for Dengue alert community participation
instedd: Dr._Malyvanh_Vongpannha_discusses_problems___challenges_in_work_against_dengue
instedd: Dr.Bounlay_Phommasack_Director General_of_Department_of_Disease_Control_DDC_left_at_EpiHack
instedd: Dr.Mark_of_Skoll_gives_a_remark_as_developers_present_their_prototypes.JPG
instedd: Developer Jimmy from Google Developer Group Laos working on a mobile app interface for mobile reporting tool
instedd: At #EpiHack Laos, developer Kakada of InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia works on #Verboice
instedd: InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia senior developer Kakada customises Verboice at #EpiHack Laos.
instedd: Channe Suy, InSTEDD iLab Southeast Asia's regional lead designing info flow for InSTEDD Verboice platform
instedd: Participants take a closer look of existing SMS reporting system being used in Cambodia
instedd: Group discussion before getting to work on coding
instedd: Dr_Mark_of_SKOLL_presents_the_finding_of_SMS_reporting_system_needed_to_build
instedd: Eric Beda from Tanzania talks about dengue reporting project of @sacids
instedd: Channe Suy tells participants about InSTEDD platforms being used by Malaria Consortium
instedd: Mr Kham Phou Philasouk health official from Laos province telling traditional way of reporting dengue
instedd: Jennifer Olsen of Skoll Global Threat Fund explains developers at EpiHack
instedd: Channe Suy of iLab SEA talking with a Researcher from Nanyang Technological University
instedd: EpiHack participants experiment with InSTEDD reporting wheel
instedd: Jennifer Olsen of Skoll Global Threat Fund gives an opening remark to kickstart EpiHack Laos