Inspired Snob: Alte Pinakothek. Artist. Inspiration
Inspired Snob: Alte Pinakothek. Artist. Deep Work
Inspired Snob: Alte Pinakothek. Artist. Reflection
Inspired Snob: SAM_0521
Inspired Snob: SAM_0523
Inspired Snob: SAM_0525
Inspired Snob: SAM_0528
Inspired Snob: SAM_0529
Inspired Snob: SAM_0530
Inspired Snob: SAM_0532
Inspired Snob: SAM_0531
Inspired Snob: SAM_0533
Inspired Snob: SAM_0534
Inspired Snob: Alte Pinakothek. Between the halls. Interior arch soffit. Looking up at the ceiling skylight
Inspired Snob: SAM_0537
Inspired Snob: Alte Pinakothek. An arch way. Soffit. Spandrel. Extrados.
Inspired Snob: SAM_0539
Inspired Snob: For a classical, Italianate repository of art that blazed a new trail and set the design benchmark for all art galleries and museums of the 1800’s and later, Alte Pinakothek looks surprisingly modern from the inside.
Inspired Snob: SAM_8638
Inspired Snob: Alte Pinakothek, staircase. Just hanging out, contemplating the scale, from the middle out.
Inspired Snob: SAM_8633
Inspired Snob: When the specialized bookstore is inspiring the impulse tends to be to buy every book. What stops me is the realization that I have zero German proficiency
Inspired Snob: I can think of a more welcoming message. Typical Munich
Inspired Snob: SAM_0544
Inspired Snob: SAM_8629
Inspired Snob: SAM_0545
Inspired Snob: SAM_0546
Inspired Snob: SAM_0547
Inspired Snob: SAM_0548
Inspired Snob: Surrounded by silver and grey. Light from the inside.