Insiya Syed:
OBA pulls an Alanis Morissette on us!
Insiya Syed:
Ali Alam has these really cool pair of red-converse.
Insiya Syed:
Bazooka on Darbuka.
Insiya Syed:
"aside from the fact that it looks like there is an ENORMOUS comb growing out of his ear i really like the colours in this picture ! :)"
Insiya Syed:
OBA ka photoshopped side-profile.
Insiya Syed:
Insiya Syed:
When I thought I was done being a paparazzi - she asked me to turn around and take a picture.
Insiya Syed:
Hamza Jafri
Insiya Syed:
Eeqaan's first concert at age 2 years 1 month :)
Insiya Syed:
This is the moment when Yasir Qureshi sold his soul to the sponsors.
Insiya Syed:
Omar Bilal Akhtar aka OBA
Insiya Syed:
Aunty Disco Project aka ADP
Insiya Syed:
An artist, in giving a concert, should not demand an entrance fee but should ask the public to pay, just before leaving as much as they like. From the sum he would be able to judge what the world thinks of him - and we would have fewer mediocre concerts.