insidious_plots: From First Baptist Church Alamogordo sound booth
insidious_plots: Hot air balloons inflating in Alamogordo
insidious_plots: Terra making iced coffee (First pic from new phone)
insidious_plots: Slumber party night dinner :)
insidious_plots: The new coffee pot - tabletop siphon with butane burner! :)
insidious_plots: Wesley's new PS3 theme/wallpaper
insidious_plots: Moogle has his own ideas for my free time...
insidious_plots: This is the happiest moment of my life
insidious_plots: Christmas kitty just needs Xes on his eyes :P
insidious_plots: Don (@don_rivers) reading Japanese at my bar
insidious_plots: Our fondue dinner on the living room floor
insidious_plots: Wesley, 5-year-old barista.
insidious_plots: Quick pic of Wesley's new grin
insidious_plots: Terra, Coffee, Free Realms Sunday morning with lots of pink :P
insidious_plots: Late breakfast
insidious_plots: Our Irish Coffees
insidious_plots: Wesley, level 8 demo derby, his first 1st place
insidious_plots: Found a jen-you-wine Italian moka pot for three bucks
insidious_plots: Where we do most of our dancing in the rain
insidious_plots: Netflix IW, title temporarily unavailable??
insidious_plots: Anybody who sends us TWELVE bottles of wine is ok in my book :P
insidious_plots: New trinket on the bar: Bottled Poetry (wine)
insidious_plots: Have I posted a pic of my vapo (e-cig) yet?
insidious_plots: Good looking siphon pot of coffee :)
insidious_plots: Stuck a ruler in the snow on the table out back
insidious_plots: Sick day. Laying on the couch, boots off, watching Wesley play.
insidious_plots: Wesley looks more like his Daddy Christopher everyday :P
insidious_plots: Amelie japanese theatrical poster
insidious_plots: Wesley is ready for his first cheese fondue experience
insidious_plots: Btw, haven't mentioned the xmas present for dad's memorial wall