In the snap: 老台灣人的餐廳
In the snap: Lingwen
In the snap: Lingwen
In the snap: Lingwen
In the snap: 麵包超人
In the snap: 神戶港看夜景
In the snap: 新大阪轉車
In the snap: 胴上!!
In the snap: 野球塔
In the snap: 神戶六甲牧場冰淇淋
In the snap: 萌黃館
In the snap: 小吃
In the snap: 小吃
In the snap: 造幣局賞櫻
In the snap: 造幣局賞櫻
In the snap: 西之丸庭園
In the snap: 天守閣
In the snap: 天守閣
In the snap: 漫步大阪城
In the snap: 漫步大阪城
In the snap: 通天閣
In the snap: 通天閣
In the snap: 通天閣
In the snap: 通天閣
In the snap: 四天王寺大鳥居
In the snap: 四天王寺
In the snap: 元興寺賞花
In the snap: 奈良鹿 Nara Deer
In the snap: 東大寺
In the snap: 東大寺