In the snap: 埔里酒廠
In the snap: 酒甕隧道
In the snap: 紙教堂
In the snap: 紙教堂
In the snap: 紙教堂
In the snap: 紙教堂
In the snap: 紙教堂
In the snap: 紙教堂
In the snap: 紙教堂
In the snap: 兌換甜點和飲料
In the snap: 上岸
In the snap: 玄光寺
In the snap: 蓋章
In the snap: 玄光寺阿婆茶葉蛋
In the snap: 伊達邵碼頭
In the snap: 妖怪郵便局
In the snap: 坐纜車
In the snap: 坐纜車
In the snap: dining
In the snap: an old volkswagen
In the snap: 功夫紅茶 Kung Fu black tea
In the snap: Kodak老相機