In the snap: 東門夜市嘟好燒
In the snap: 東門夜市嘟好燒
In the snap: 東門夜市嘟好燒
In the snap: 東門夜市嘟好燒
In the snap: 東門夜市嘟好燒
In the snap: 東門夜市嘟好燒
In the snap: 東門夜市嘟好燒
In the snap: 香草冰淇淋
In the snap: 天空步道
In the snap: 划竹筏
In the snap: 釣上第一尾,吳郭魚
In the snap: 捕獲大型吳郭魚!
In the snap: DSC07544
In the snap: 太平山看日出
In the snap: 曙光乍現 sunrise
In the snap: 太平山看日出
In the snap: 翠峰湖塵霧
In the snap: 清晨的翠峰湖
In the snap: 拍照
In the snap: 冒煙的樹
In the snap: 翠峰湖
In the snap: 環湖步道
In the snap: 太平山莊步道
In the snap: 太平山莊步道
In the snap: 眼冒金星
In the snap: 太平山莊步道
In the snap: 下腰啦!!
In the snap: 太平山莊步道
In the snap: 漆樹紅了