Insher: Oblivion
Insher: special identity
Insher: Pozzo cat 1
Insher: Pozzo cat 2
Insher: The wonderful world of Pietro Russo
Insher: Rio San Barnaba
Insher: Botoli * Violet artichoke
Insher: Merchant of Venice
Insher: In the garden
Insher: No seat
Insher: Luci e Ombre ( Lights & Shadows )
Insher: Spring through pine branches
Insher: Pomp and splendor
Insher: Details of S.Marco Basilica (4 portal)
Insher: Orthodox part in San Michele cimiterio
Insher: "letum non omnia finit"/Death does not end it all (Propertius)
Insher: Shadows of red and wisteria
Insher: Pizza and pizzas
Insher: enjoy your pine:)
Insher: Chiesa S.Geremia//Historic clock of the clocktower of S.Geremia church
Insher: From Ospedale to evening
Insher: Welcome to Burano
Insher: Details from Palazzo Ducale
Insher: Garden in Giudecca
Insher: Gate to the Brick Kingdom
Insher: counting colors
Insher: The fumaiolo is unique Venetian chimneypot
Insher: Fantoccini in the Goldoni's house
Insher: Phenomenal rectangle Pala d'Oro
Insher: Guarding the key for space and time, the key is a water of course;)