Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. (Quote by Buddha)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Painting is the grandchild of nature. It is related to God. (Quote by Rembrandt van Rijn)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time. (Quote by Albert Camus)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
I dream of painting and then I paint my dream. (Quote by Vincent Van Gogh)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher. (Quote by Dalai Lama)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always. (Quote by Rainer Maria Rilke)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
A taste for truth at any cost is a passion which spares nothing. (Quote by Albert Camus)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Hope is not a dream but a way of making dreams become reality. (Author unknown)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him. (Quote by Buddha)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known. (Quote by Oscar Wilde)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
The future is in the skies. (Quote by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Temptation is the fire that brings up the scum of the heart. (Quote by William Shakespeare)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us. (Quote by Oscar Wilde)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Colour is my day-long obsession, joy and torment. (Quote by Claude Monet)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else. (Quote by Buddha)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
If some things don't make you lose your sense of reason, then you have none to lose. (Quote by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality. (Quote by John Lennon)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. (Quote by Edgar Allan Poe)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Life is the farce which everyone has to perform. (Quote by Arthur Rimbaud)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Nearly everything you do is of no importance, but it is important that you do it. (Quote by Gandhi)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
I have Social Disease. I have to go out every night. If I stay home one night I start spreading rumors to my dogs. (Quote by Andy Warhol)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting. (Quote by Buddha)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
All theory, dear friend, is gray, but the golden tree of life springs ever green. (Quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction. (Quote by Albert Einstein)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes. (Quote by Gandhi)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography:
The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed. (Quote by Buddha)
Sash´s Kitchen-Studio Photography: