imajane: Auckland by night
imajane: 3 people, 2 birds and 1 plane
imajane: Flowery focus
imajane: Boy in orange
imajane: So dainty!
imajane: Orchid
imajane: Fiery
imajane: Powerful statue
imajane: AM looking up
imajane: Discus dude
imajane: Carved
imajane: In remembrance
imajane: Menacing cloud over Auckland Museum
imajane: To Rangitoto from the museum
imajane: Whoop there it is
imajane: Foot path walking
imajane: Ferry Terminal even if you're not ill
imajane: Team Scrub
imajane: Medical red and green
imajane: Beware there might be witches
imajane: Spot the cat
imajane: Footpath wanderer
imajane: Pipes that may or may not meet
imajane: A fence
imajane: That building again so many pretty lines
imajane: Land based ship hotel in progress
imajane: Sky Tower from right underneath
imajane: Balling tree
imajane: Building in Ponsonby gets the sun
imajane: Pretty autumnal coloured leaves