imajane: Canal Lights
imajane: Barrel of fire
imajane: Pauatahanui sunset
imajane: Kerkwall sunset solarised
imajane: Whanganui river at dusk from Kowhai park
imajane: Sunset at Kapiti, horaah for timers!
imajane: Lunar Coronae
imajane: Orion over Wellington
imajane: Opiki
imajane: birdsky
imajane: Londonlightastic
imajane: Circle of Light
imajane: Refractive indices
imajane: . .. : :: playing with rain :: : .. .
imajane: Tunnel Liteastic
imajane: Basil bokeh behind lava lamp light
imajane: Glass ripples sunset light
imajane: Acceptable party gear.
imajane: Lines of light, lines of dark
imajane: Ripple
imajane: Frome glass
imajane: Rainbow over Petone
imajane: Real Glass Sunset
imajane: E x p l o s i o n o f L i g h t
imajane: Hubble Bubble Toil and Trouble
imajane: SweeT PeA DeW II
imajane: Not drinking under the table.
imajane: Fire on the move
imajane: Phat Inflatability
imajane: Surprise lunar coronae