jlblue: Example of need for art space
jlblue: Art space need
jlblue: Place to hang out
jlblue: Having more than one hang out space
jlblue: Specialized skate boarding setup
jlblue: Ability to travel, see other countries
jlblue: Want a pool for swimming and diving
jlblue: Place to hang out to skate board and watch TV
jlblue: Need for a skate board place
jlblue: Have a studio to play and record music
jlblue: Building on the entrance of BG to make city fun
jlblue: Place to sit and play games
jlblue: This is the base area for a swimming pool
jlblue: skate and lego design
jlblue: lego design for parks
jlblue: Building equipment for xtream spots play spots