innonate: Whoa, big mountains
innonate: On the Ecuator, in Ecuador
innonate: Nate is Bi-Hemispheric
innonate: Eva is Bi-Hemispheric
innonate: Spanish side
innonate: North or South?
innonate: North or South?
innonate: Eva is cool
innonate: La Mitad del Mundo
innonate: Bus to La Mitad del Mundo
innonate: Home
innonate: Cuenca
innonate: Eva doing the mariposa
innonate: Mother ziplining over the cloud forest
innonate: Dinner! (I hadn't shaved in days!)
innonate: Overlooking the fog, overlooking Quito
innonate: Into the fog
innonate: Huge dead moth
innonate: Mother holding baby
innonate: La Mitad del Mundo
innonate: IMG_0145.JPG
innonate: IMG_0144.JPG
innonate: IMG_0143.JPG
innonate: IMG_0142.JPG
innonate: IMG_0139.JPG
innonate: IMG_0148.JPG
innonate: IMG_0138.JPG
innonate: IMG_0137.JPG
innonate: Cows at the Zipline
innonate: Through the Trees