Inners: Pea & Pod
Inners: Simotua ('my' foster elephant)
Inners: Rolling in the dust
Inners: Posing
Inners: Mud bath
Inners: Enjoying a mud bath
Inners: David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
Inners: Kibera rooftops
Inners: The Lunatic Express
Inners: Kibera
Inners: Fish from Lake Victoria
Inners: Coal
Inners: Poo factory
Inners: Train tracks towards Mombasa
Inners: Kenyan Flag
Inners: kid @ school in uniform
Inners: kid @ school
Inners: Kibera streetlife
Inners: Kibera streetlife
Inners: Kibera streetlife
Inners: Kibera streetlife
Inners: Yellow-billed egret
Inners: Feeding time for the African Hoopoe
Inners: Yellow-collared Lovebird
Inners: Yellow-billed Egret
Inners: Lilac Breasted Roller
Inners: Sacred ibis & hippo's
Inners: Lilac Breasted Roller
Inners: Lilac Breasted Roller