sparks-in-dark: Almost Home
sparks-in-dark: Benedict Road Texture
sparks-in-dark: All Downhill from Here - 2
sparks-in-dark: Where Field and Field Meet
sparks-in-dark: All Downhill from Here
sparks-in-dark: Follow the Fenceline
sparks-in-dark: Benedict Road Skyline - 2
sparks-in-dark: Benedict Road Skyline
sparks-in-dark: Frosted Bull Thistle
sparks-in-dark: Frosted Needles
sparks-in-dark: A Certain Stand of Trees
sparks-in-dark: The Road Taken
sparks-in-dark: Wendy's World
sparks-in-dark: Frosty Fenceline
sparks-in-dark: Nail Sculpture
sparks-in-dark: Gray Glove, Gray Cat
sparks-in-dark: Passive/Aggressive Kitty
sparks-in-dark: Home Sweet Home, for Awhile
sparks-in-dark: Rusted Entry
sparks-in-dark: Handsome Stranger
sparks-in-dark: Lilacs in Shade - 2
sparks-in-dark: Lilacs in Shade - 1
sparks-in-dark: Scrapper - 2
sparks-in-dark: Wild Rose
sparks-in-dark: Wild Rose, Blue Sky
sparks-in-dark: Twin Towers
sparks-in-dark: Fleshy Iris
sparks-in-dark: Not-so-Wild Irises