Inner Dolly: Eres..My deardoll Apple girl
Inner Dolly: My Dollmore Apple girl ...*Eres*
Inner Dolly: Eres is a Dollmore Apple <3
Inner Dolly: Fawn and Tea
Inner Dolly: * Fawn *
Inner Dolly: Rose and her Teddy
Inner Dolly: RosenLied Beige sisters *Verity* and *Promise*
Inner Dolly: Verity and Promise RosenLied Beige sisters
Inner Dolly: *Verity* RosenLied Beige
Inner Dolly: My LTF Ante Twins & LTF Leah
Inner Dolly: My Iplehouse Elin *Emersen* and her best friend Esper...Littlefee Ante
Inner Dolly: My Elin Iplehouse Sisters
Inner Dolly: Ariele *loves* baby Frances<3!