In my hands they crumble:
Leela is feeling the cold
In my hands they crumble:
In my hands they crumble:
Frozen web
In my hands they crumble:
British Airways Cargo B747
In my hands they crumble:
In my hands they crumble:
In my hands they crumble:
A Big Job
In my hands they crumble:
All Wrapped Up
In my hands they crumble:
"Boo hoo hoo" Sniffle whimper
In my hands they crumble:
Fry in the woods
In my hands they crumble:
Walk 50 steps and shoot.
In my hands they crumble:
There's a Moose loose
In my hands they crumble:
The Dairy Roof
In my hands they crumble:
In my hands they crumble:
Fry {Explore #350}
In my hands they crumble:
In my hands they crumble:
Frozen in time
In my hands they crumble:
The demolition starts
In my hands they crumble:
One of the smaller buildings
In my hands they crumble:
Time flies, don't waste it
In my hands they crumble:
Stansted airport roof
In my hands they crumble:
Time for a break
In my hands they crumble:
Snowy Mountains
In my hands they crumble:
Barcelona Coke #1
In my hands they crumble:
Barcelona Coke #2
In my hands they crumble:
Lost in thought
In my hands they crumble:
Where did I leave my boat?
In my hands they crumble:
A walk by the river
In my hands they crumble:
Cathedral Visit
In my hands they crumble:
Barcelona Coke #3