Paula Wirth:
Stinging Corpse #2 Cocktail @ Adesso
Paula Wirth:
Old Pretender cocktail @ Beretta
Paula Wirth:
Slow-cooked chicken with chickpeas & spinach at Caffe 817
Paula Wirth:
Diver Scallops
Paula Wirth:
Pork Belly with Cheese Grits @ Monk's Kettle
Paula Wirth:
Sip & Experience Cocktail #2
Paula Wirth:
Uptown Sour
Paula Wirth:
Vegetable Ramen @ Ramen House Ryowa
Paula Wirth:
Paula Wirth:
Brunch @ Beretta
Paula Wirth:
Figs, blue cheese and prosciutto salad @ 18 Reasons
Paula Wirth:
Enjoying a drink at Bar Dogwood
Paula Wirth:
Ripe cherries at Dogwood
Paula Wirth:
Cactus Fruit Cocktail at Dogwood
Paula Wirth:
Homemade cherries and bitters at Dogwood
Paula Wirth:
Homemade honey yogurt and granola at Caffe 817
Paula Wirth:
Ratatouille at Boot and Shoe Cafe
Paula Wirth:
Breakfast Sandwich at Commonwealth
Paula Wirth:
Treatbot Ice Cream ala Polyvore
Paula Wirth:
Prosciutto @ Adesso
Paula Wirth:
Strawberry Daiquiri Punch
Paula Wirth:
Red cup of coffee
Paula Wirth:
Summer Galette with Strawberries
Paula Wirth:
Brooklyn cocktail from Savoy Cocktail Night
Paula Wirth:
Carnevale Ale @ Luka's in Oakland
Paula Wirth:
Mussels Gratinata at Adesso
Paula Wirth:
Martinez Cocktail at Adesso
Paula Wirth:
Grilled Pork Chop at Z Cafe
Paula Wirth:
Greyhound at Z Cafe