Paula Wirth:
Paula Wirth:
Paula Wirth:
serenity in spite of chaos
Paula Wirth:
her subtle persuasion
Paula Wirth:
broken up
Paula Wirth:
cast aside
Paula Wirth:
cast aside
Paula Wirth:
uncanny valley
Paula Wirth:
Paula Wirth:
hard to find focus
Paula Wirth:
Paula Wirth:
the secret of her appeal
Paula Wirth:
mademoiselle mannequin
Paula Wirth:
Noe Valley of the dolls
Paula Wirth:
looking asskance at mission street fashion
Paula Wirth:
too straight for her
Paula Wirth:
a bird in the hand
Paula Wirth:
her sister's keeper
Paula Wirth:
bathing beauty
Paula Wirth:
more like her
Paula Wirth:
dressed for the weather
Paula Wirth:
70s Hunk
Paula Wirth:
Her mask isn't on the outside
Paula Wirth:
The gloss wears off
Paula Wirth:
Paula Wirth:
Empty headed young things
Paula Wirth:
They're not real
Paula Wirth:
They're not real
Paula Wirth: