Paula Wirth:
God Speaks to Modern Man
Paula Wirth:
The Office Watches God Speaking to Modern Man
Paula Wirth:
God said of the talented Lucifer
Paula Wirth:
The brilliant Lucifer, jealous with pride
Paula Wirth:
The wily Satan, speaking to Eve through a serpent
Paula Wirth:
The forces of good and evil are ever in conflict
Paula Wirth:
The world was anciently destroyed by a flood
Paula Wirth:
God has not left man to grope his way to heaven
Paula Wirth:
We have entered the atomic age
Paula Wirth:
It reveals the filthy, sinful condition of the sinner
Paula Wirth:
One cannot play with fire and not expect to get burned
Paula Wirth:
The dead in Christ shall rise first
Paula Wirth:
God breathed into his nostrils
Paula Wirth:
Standing at the foot
Paula Wirth:
The living can communicate with the dead
Paula Wirth:
A richly adorned woman riding on a seven-headed beast
Paula Wirth:
There may never be a tomorrow
Paula Wirth:
I saw another angel fly
Paula Wirth:
The U.S. is to play an important part in the closing scenes of earth's history
Paula Wirth:
Great preparations for war signal great wars ahead
Paula Wirth:
What happens during the millennium to this earth
Paula Wirth:
My Temperance Pledge
Paula Wirth:
Canvass for Radio Log