inju: 7hr drive to Boston
inju: Pictures from the road: "2hrs more to Boston"
inju: Pictures from the road: "2hrs more to Boston"
inju: Pictures from the road: "2hrs more to Boston"
inju: @lucian I trusted my technolust. GPS got me here, then Yelp picked my Taiwanese dinner
inju: @lucian I trusted my technolust. GPS got me here, then Yelp picked my Taiwanese dinner
inju: Couldn't find folks at #FOE4 pre-meetup, so now at Mike's Italian Place with @doctorlaura and @acidflask. Photo:
inju: Henry Jenkins keynote starting at #FOE4. I'm helping with attendee registration, so can't see!
inju: FOE4 registration table
inju: Packed #FOE4 transmedia keynote by HenryJenkins. Checkout the auditorium & overflow room!
inju: Packed #FOE4 transmedia keynote by HenryJenkins. Checkout the auditorium & overflow room!
inju: @acidflask's workspace at MIT
inju: @acidflask's workspace at MIT
inju: @acidflask's workspace at MIT
inju: Now at #foe4 "Changing Audience, Changing Methodologies".
inju: Listen > Write > Film: With co-creating audience, scriptwriters takes feedback to produce upcoming episodes #foe4
inju: #Purefold harvests feedback across social media. Friendfeed groups to research ideas before writing/filming #foe4
inju: Purefold inverses the standard transmedia production, where they incorporate torrents of content produced by fans
inju: Next #FOE4 panel: Transmedia for Social Change. Here are the session details
inju: #FOE4 audience
inju: Now with @acidflask's friends at the American Psychonomics Society conference. Brainy Singaporean mob!
inju: @juicyjuleswei It's so pretty in Boston. Wine's making everything so pleasant too. Here's what I'm having
inju: OK, no oyster gelato, so I settled for Tiramisu gelato at Sapori di Napoli with @acidflask's friends
inju: Panorama of #FOE4 Day 2: The ROI of ROFL
inju: Panorama of #FOE4 Day 2: The ROI of ROFL
inju: Futures of Entertainment 4
inju: I vote @mikemonello for Best Laptop Lid Theme evar #foe4
inju: J.P. Licks ice cream @ Harvard Square
inju: Berry Line @ Harvard Square
inju: #FOE4 Producing Transmedia Experiences (Fisheye)