inju: On Southwest to SF
inju: Flight to SF
inju: On Southwest to SF
inju: Communal BART ticket machine
inju: Taking the Bart and Caltrains a lot...
inju: I'm staying at the Westin this time round...
inju: Macworld 2009 entrance
inju: Macworld 2009 entrance
inju: Macworld 2009 entrance
inju: BoinxTV
inju: Pretty USB Flash Drives @ Macworld
inju: Pretty USB Flash Drives @ Macworld
inju: booth
inju: Apple's banks of iLife
inju: 17" MacBook Pro
inju: 17" MacBook Pro
inju: Smule's Ocarina developer
inju: Zelda on Smule's Ocarina
inju: iPhone apps mega wall
inju: Things
inju: Iconfactory...
inju: GETV's Irina Slutsky
inju: Google's iPhone Charging Station
inju: Wearable camera...
inju: Almost reaching Qik offices
inju: Wayne interning at Qik
inju: Almost back in SF via Caltrain
inju: Taking long LONG walks around SF downtown
inju: View o Moscone Center...
inju: Who's going for Macworld 2010?