inhisgrace: pouring them dranks...
inhisgrace: PIZZA
inhisgrace: hey hey!
inhisgrace: look at all my FOOOOOODDDD!!!
inhisgrace: popping them corks...
inhisgrace: lockin and poppin
inhisgrace: pourin and sippin'
inhisgrace: kelly, becky and hayli
inhisgrace: im looking a bit too santa claus-y here...
inhisgrace: hayli ruined our precious moments photo.
inhisgrace: her idea.
inhisgrace: my plate.
inhisgrace: what a buffoon.
inhisgrace: exchanging secret snowflake gifts!
inhisgrace: shelbi and her peeps!
inhisgrace: valrah
inhisgrace: natalie
inhisgrace: OOOoooOOO! earrings!
inhisgrace: brooke
inhisgrace: carlie
inhisgrace: rachel
inhisgrace: kevin
inhisgrace: jayme talking about how she guessed it was someone else
inhisgrace: jayme
inhisgrace: hayli
inhisgrace: polar bear pajama pants!
inhisgrace: OOOHHH!!!! bobby pins! YEAH!
inhisgrace: what are you trying to say here becky?
inhisgrace: ace
inhisgrace: i guess im funny when opening presents