inhisgrace: slept here.
inhisgrace: coffee shop below dylans apt.
inhisgrace: waiting for the bart
inhisgrace: dylan, lawrence, marleigh
inhisgrace: on the bart
inhisgrace: on the bart
inhisgrace: walk off of the bart to this...
inhisgrace: oh yeah! love fest!
inhisgrace: pink elephant mobile?
inhisgrace: only at love fest.
inhisgrace: i pointed my camera upward instead.
inhisgrace: tall buildings
inhisgrace: protesting the love of the festival.
inhisgrace: jeff, lawrence and marleigh
inhisgrace: jona looking like hes stuck in the wrong time zone.
inhisgrace: just then, a large dog wanted our attention.
inhisgrace: wondering where we should eat.
inhisgrace: oh yes.
inhisgrace: walking down market st.
inhisgrace: hello san fran
inhisgrace: marleigh picked up this golden streamer from a float off the ground and put it in her hair.
inhisgrace: my shot
inhisgrace: dylan taking a picture of the same shot i just took.
inhisgrace: halo.
inhisgrace: marleigh being the supermodel that she is.
inhisgrace: October 4, 2008: Highwire.
inhisgrace: jeff being a model.
inhisgrace: huge burrito from my favorite place on mission st.
inhisgrace: coke in a glass bottle with real cane sugar!
inhisgrace: the green salsa is spicy btw.