inhisgrace: O'Neills Coffee House
inhisgrace: palm treeish
inhisgrace: fallout
inhisgrace: i liked the out of focus shots
inhisgrace: so i took another
inhisgrace: and another.
inhisgrace: sundance
inhisgrace: aliens desending upon the earth.
inhisgrace: the ufo emerging...
inhisgrace: the ufo leaving...
inhisgrace: technology.
inhisgrace: foxtails.
inhisgrace: total palm tree.
inhisgrace: blast.
inhisgrace: stutter.
inhisgrace: celebrate good times... COME ON!
inhisgrace: its a celebration.
inhisgrace: john took these last ones during the major finale.
inhisgrace: fireworks
inhisgrace: fireworks
inhisgrace: dom with the bear
inhisgrace: sierra with the bear
inhisgrace: sierra with the bear part 2
inhisgrace: sierra with the bear part 3
inhisgrace: john with the bear
inhisgrace: john with the bear part 2
inhisgrace: john with the bear part 3
inhisgrace: ace with the bear
inhisgrace: ace with the bear part 2
inhisgrace: ace with the bear part 3