inhisgrace: sierra, jake, todd and i on the roof.
inhisgrace: todd.
inhisgrace: sierra
inhisgrace: ugh.
inhisgrace: hullo!
inhisgrace: falling
inhisgrace: winter wardrobe
inhisgrace: i was trying to do something cool, but there were too many people in the way.
inhisgrace: my other artsy shot of jon
inhisgrace: my artsy shot of jon
inhisgrace: winter wardrobe
inhisgrace: go bicycle go
inhisgrace: sierra and daniel
inhisgrace: look at todd helping
inhisgrace: always stealing the shots.
inhisgrace: same smile... beard... hair. what?
inhisgrace: so kewl.
inhisgrace: after party.
inhisgrace: what he does all day.
inhisgrace: phils room
inhisgrace: artsy.
inhisgrace: suit and tie
inhisgrace: timer.
inhisgrace: creepy walkway.