Inhabitots: Baby Sushi
Inhabitots: Little Hoppy
Inhabitots: Little Owl
Inhabitots: Duct Tape Firefighter
Inhabitots: Little Lobster
Inhabitots: Baby Indian
Inhabitots: Snow Green
Inhabitots: Princess Leia
Inhabitots: Little Zebra
Inhabitots: Little Butterfly
Inhabitots: Little FLy Girl
Inhabitots: Max from Where the Wild Things Are
Inhabitots: Farmer Reid
Inhabitots: Little Fireman
Inhabitots: Little Flower
Inhabitots: Superbaby!
Inhabitots: Little Bus Drive
Inhabitots: Baby Ninja
Inhabitots: Ninjas
Inhabitots: Trash Eating Robot
Inhabitots: Walking Bag of Candy
Inhabitots: Little Zelda Monster
Inhabitots: King of the Jungle
Inhabitots: Baby Grapes
Inhabitots: Wall-E & Burn-E
Inhabitots: Little Volcano