Inhabitots: Hugh Hayden's Tennis Ball Chair
Inhabitots: Recycled Sweater Stools
Inhabitots: Dez on Tennis Ball Chair
Inhabitots: Abigail on Tennis Ball Chair
Inhabitots: Mike on his FUNature
Inhabitots: Toy Ball FUNature
Inhabitots: Hugh Hayden FUNature
Inhabitots: FUNiture
Inhabitots: Oeuf Knit Eiffel Tower
Inhabitots: Oeuf Collection 2009
Inhabitots: Jill Fehrenbacher visiting the Oeuf exhibit
Inhabitots: Oeuf Collection 2009
Inhabitots: Sophie Demenge of Oeuf
Inhabitots: Oeuf Collection 2009
Inhabitots: Oeuf Knit Guitar
Inhabitots: Jill and Sophie catch up on eco-friendly kid design and parenting
Inhabitots: ecoSystems modular units
Inhabitots: Daniel Moyerson - recycled wood skateboards
Inhabitots: iglooplay by Lisa Albin Collection
Inhabitots: iglooplay by Lisa Albin Collection
Inhabitots: iglooplay by Lisa Albin Collection
Inhabitots: iglooplay by Lisa Albin Collection
Inhabitots: St. Ann's Warehouse entrance display
Inhabitots: Jane's Carousel exhibits at Brooklyn Designs 2009
Inhabitots: Argington Collection - window display of models
Inhabitots: Argington Collection 2009 - brilliant storage solution
Inhabitots: Argington Collection being viewed by Dez Williams
Inhabitots: Argington Collection's custom-designed Bamboo Uffizi Bunk Bed
Inhabitots: Argington Babylon Toddler Highchair
Inhabitots: Jennyfrom Argington shows her stuff