Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer - Gloomy day opening up for a moment
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer - Gloomy day opening up for a moment
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer Whitemore Lake just after sunset
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer Autumn - Early Color
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer Fall - Milkweed Seeds with Pod
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer Fall
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer - Whitemore Lake - Faint Milky Way
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer - Disturbing the Cranes
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer - Beautiful Meadows
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer - State of Michigan Recreation Area - Amazing Wildflowers
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer State Recreation Area - Blue Meadow
Michigan Transplant: Golden Sunset on the first warm day (80+ degrees Fahrenheit) in 213 days
Michigan Transplant: Hooked - Fort Custer State Recreation Area
Michigan Transplant: Early Spring Eagle Lake Reflections
Michigan Transplant: Reflections on a Swamp
Michigan Transplant: "Silence" - Fort Custer State Recreation Area: Eagle Lake
Michigan Transplant: Lily Pond Lake: Reflections at Dusk
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer State Park
Michigan Transplant: Fort Custer State Park