うみんちゅ【海人】: Arlo and a lens cap.
うみんちゅ【海人】: Welcome Arlo (1 of 1)
うみんちゅ【海人】: Arlo and lenses setup
うみんちゅ【海人】: Arlo the fauxtographer
うみんちゅ【海人】: Arlo's new gear (1 of 1)
うみんちゅ【海人】: Arlo memory card
うみんちゅ【海人】: Arlo's narrow escape
うみんちゅ【海人】: Arlo needs caffiene
うみんちゅ【海人】: Arlo likes the WWE
うみんちゅ【海人】: In the Spot Light
うみんちゅ【海人】: Arlo Lens cleaning-1