M.D. Photos:
Everyone in the pool!
M.D. Photos:
Fence peeper
M.D. Photos:
Got seed?
M.D. Photos:
M.D. Photos:
Anyone have a hairdryer I can borrow?
M.D. Photos:
Howdy do!
M.D. Photos:
I'm a green heron!
M.D. Photos:
Green heron flyby
M.D. Photos:
Great Blue Heron sitting on the nest
M.D. Photos:
Moody egret
M.D. Photos:
The ducks are back in town
M.D. Photos:
Two headed duck
M.D. Photos:
On golden pond
M.D. Photos:
Tarzen of the birds
M.D. Photos:
Bird bokeh
M.D. Photos:
Great egret on a log
M.D. Photos:
Playing slots for the big seed jackpot
M.D. Photos:
Cardinal in the orange tree
M.D. Photos:
Mrs. Cardinal strikes a pose
M.D. Photos:
Common ground dove
M.D. Photos:
Nest builder
M.D. Photos:
Nest builder -- Carolina Wren
M.D. Photos:
The nest builder (Explored)
M.D. Photos:
Mr. Cardinal! HFF!
M.D. Photos:
Pecker Power!
M.D. Photos:
The elusive Blue Jay
M.D. Photos:
House Sparrow
M.D. Photos:
The Mrs.
M.D. Photos:
House Sparrow