M.D. Photos:
M.D. Photos:
Colorado Blue Jay
M.D. Photos:
Meet the neighbors
M.D. Photos:
Life is good when you have a stash of seed!
M.D. Photos:
Gotta get phat before winter!
M.D. Photos:
The elusive Boris.
M.D. Photos:
Doe re mi fa
M.D. Photos:
The grass isn't greener on the other side of the fence.
M.D. Photos:
Big antlers on campus
M.D. Photos:
Uncle Buck
M.D. Photos:
Haha! You can't stop me from getting to the seed!
M.D. Photos:
The Seed Bandit
M.D. Photos:
Steller's Jay
M.D. Photos:
Mr. Buck turns on the charm for the doe.
M.D. Photos:
Got Deer?
M.D. Photos:
USDA grass fed
M.D. Photos:
Profile of the Buck
M.D. Photos:
King of the herd
M.D. Photos:
Village of Palmer Lake
M.D. Photos:
First real hike in CO!
M.D. Photos:
Lower water reservoir
M.D. Photos:
Upper reservoir
M.D. Photos:
This means YOU, partner!
M.D. Photos:
Boulder Lake
M.D. Photos:
Local foliage
M.D. Photos:
Fishin' time
M.D. Photos:
Photographers shooting the slime.
M.D. Photos:
High altitude fishing.
M.D. Photos:
~~ Flintstones, meet the Flintstones ~~
M.D. Photos:
Jezebel watches the birdies