M.D. Photos: Sowerby's Cerith
M.D. Photos: Gifts from the Sea
M.D. Photos: Leafy Jewel Box
M.D. Photos: Lettered Olive shells
M.D. Photos: Nicobar Spindle
M.D. Photos: les escargots
M.D. Photos: Scallops on the half shell
M.D. Photos: Mystery Babylon
M.D. Photos: An excellent vessel.
M.D. Photos: Fancy paint job
M.D. Photos: Invasion of the Sea Anemones
M.D. Photos: Unknown
M.D. Photos: A couple Murex shells
M.D. Photos: A couple small Conch shells
M.D. Photos: Tiger Cowrie (top view)
M.D. Photos: Tiger Cowrie (bottom view)
M.D. Photos: Marlinspike (Auger shell)
M.D. Photos: Brain Coral
M.D. Photos: Snake-head Cowrie
M.D. Photos: Auger Turritella
M.D. Photos: Lighting Whelks
M.D. Photos: Sundial
M.D. Photos: Sundial (bottom view)
M.D. Photos: Pink lips
M.D. Photos: Old spiney
M.D. Photos: Delicate
M.D. Photos: Nature's Spirograph
M.D. Photos: Shell game
M.D. Photos: Gifts from the sea
M.D. Photos: Nautilus