infomatique: Bridge Over The Liffey - James Joyce Bridge
infomatique: New Bridge Over The Liffey
infomatique: Bridge Over The Liffey
infomatique: River Liffey Dublin, Ireland
infomatique: James Joyce Bridge
infomatique: James Joyce Bridge
infomatique: James Joyce Bridge
infomatique: James Joyce Bridge
infomatique: River Liffey, Dublin
infomatique: LUAS "William Dargan Bridge"
infomatique: IMG_0588
infomatique: This Bridge Can Swing Up
infomatique: SEAN O'CASEY BRIDGE
infomatique: SEAN O'CASEY BRIDGE
infomatique: Seán O'Casey Bridge - Damaged
infomatique: Seán O'Casey Bridge - Damaged
infomatique: Seán O'Casey Bridge - Damaged
infomatique: Seán O'Casey Bridge - Damaged
infomatique: Seán O'Casey Bridge - Damaged
infomatique: Seán O'Casey Bridge - Damaged
infomatique: Seán O'Casey Bridge - Damaged
infomatique: Seán O'Casey Bridge - Damaged
infomatique: Seán O'Casey Bridge - Damaged