poppet with a camera: Boxing Day
poppet with a camera: Librarian at Christmas
poppet with a camera: Presents finished!
poppet with a camera: Christmas loot
poppet with a camera: Merry Christmas!
poppet with a camera: Christmas puds
poppet with a camera: Christmas trees
poppet with a camera: Cookie presents
poppet with a camera: We love you, mummy (for you gave us the gift of sight and a fancy bow tie)
poppet with a camera: Why am I not like the rest?
poppet with a camera: A Gingerbread Tragedy in three parts
poppet with a camera: Lessons learned (and a small pat on the back)
poppet with a camera: Truffle presents
poppet with a camera: "The way I keep in touch with the world is very gingerly, because the world touches too hard."
poppet with a camera: decorations
poppet with a camera: untangling Christmas lights
poppet with a camera: The gift of gins
poppet with a camera: With labels
poppet with a camera: Sloe gin 200ml (is enough, oof!)
poppet with a camera: Spent sloes
poppet with a camera: First of the gang to die
poppet with a camera: I am a god
poppet with a camera: The first pud