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The Daring Librarian: #StoryIn140
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The Daring Librarian: Sharing the awesome w/ Ms. Cullison's class & Daniel #StoryIn140 bookmark #tlchat @hcpss_mhms
The Daring Librarian: #StoryIn140 writing w/ 7th graders @hcpss_mhms
The Daring Librarian: Writing #StoryIn140 w/ seventh grader Elias H #tlchat
The Daring Librarian: Really excited to do #StoryIn140 tomorrow w/ my 7th graders! #tlchat Will take pics! 😃
The Daring Librarian: Writing #StoryIn140 with seventh graders! Awesomeness happening!
The Daring Librarian: AuthorFangirl
The Daring Librarian: #StoryIn140 so cute, everyone rushed up to show me there's! Thank goodness they were all laptops! #ExhaustedButHappy
The Daring Librarian: The pancake obsessed table writing #StoryIn140
The Daring Librarian: #StoryIn140 @hcpss_mhms writing workshop!
The Daring Librarian: #StoryIn140
The Daring Librarian: Story in 140
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The Daring Librarian: Dare-Beach-Trooper CROPPED