The Daring Librarian:
The Daring Librarian: meme-infographic-full
The Daring Librarian: My first smart phone
The Daring Librarian: My first smart phone
The Daring Librarian: MPT_Computer_Literacy_Class2001
The Daring Librarian: Netscape_Composer2000
The Daring Librarian: Internet_Integration2000
The Daring Librarian: Talking_Trash_Recycling2000
The Daring Librarian: Webquests_At_Work2000
The Daring Librarian: Weather_Links_1998 - Very early webpage
The Daring Librarian: Yahoo_1997
The Daring Librarian: Picture 12
The Daring Librarian: XTC_Stupidly_Happy
The Daring Librarian: XTC skylarking and drums and wires
The Daring Librarian: John Oliver go FCC
The Daring Librarian: Go FCC by John Oliver fighting for net neutrality
The Daring Librarian: DC101-2005
The Daring Librarian: ImageRouletteLinquist
The Daring Librarian: So many emails!