Pixels Arranged by an Infinite Number of Monkeys: St. Sernin: an 11th century romanesque church attended by VdP during his university years.
Pixels Arranged by an Infinite Number of Monkeys: Bell tower - Church of St. Sernin - Toulouse
Pixels Arranged by an Infinite Number of Monkeys: Unusually, no direct visual allusion to children or charity.
Pixels Arranged by an Infinite Number of Monkeys: VdP's alma mater, the College de Foix.
Pixels Arranged by an Infinite Number of Monkeys: Telescope shop: "Astronomy, the Key to the Stars"
Pixels Arranged by an Infinite Number of Monkeys: I have a truly marvelous picture of this college which, alas, this screen is too narrow to contain.
Pixels Arranged by an Infinite Number of Monkeys: Columns - convent of the Jacobins (in this context Dominicans, not revolutionaries).
Pixels Arranged by an Infinite Number of Monkeys: A mirror emphasizes the soaring heights.
Pixels Arranged by an Infinite Number of Monkeys: And another-- is this just a town full of gaming geeks?
Pixels Arranged by an Infinite Number of Monkeys: "1er etage" is "1st floor". (Which is, of course, "2nd floor.")
Pixels Arranged by an Infinite Number of Monkeys: Did you know President Wilson's real first name was Thomas? Me neither.
Pixels Arranged by an Infinite Number of Monkeys: If you're in Toulouse, go here for ice cream!