InertiA ^^: Vacuité Presidentielle
InertiA ^^: Lanterne
InertiA ^^: Projection Astrale
InertiA ^^: As the Shadows Dance
InertiA ^^: In the Belly of the Beast
InertiA ^^: Death Front Row
InertiA ^^: Apres la Danse d'Hegel
InertiA ^^: Le Théâtre de la Tragédie
InertiA ^^: La Solitude de l'Ouvreuse
InertiA ^^: One-Night-Only!
InertiA ^^: Ondes Sensuelles
InertiA ^^: L'Effrayante Obscurité de Velours
InertiA ^^: Derniere Seance
InertiA ^^: L'ouvreuse des Limbes
InertiA ^^: A Lonely Trip To The Moon
InertiA ^^: Grand Reopening
InertiA ^^: Coup de Théâtre
InertiA ^^: Daedalus
InertiA ^^: La Grande Comédie
InertiA ^^: Velvet Darkness They Fear
InertiA ^^: Entry of the Gods
InertiA ^^: Aux 1ere Lueurs de Loge
InertiA ^^: Rire de Velour