InertiA ^^:
Sur un Rayon de Soleil
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Je ne joue que des Soupirs
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Make your Choice, it's Hell or Paradise
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The Racoon Incident
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Same Player Shoot Again
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To Linger in the Warm
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Symmetry of Destruction
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Symphony of Destruction
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The Light at the End
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The Curtain Falls
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Lullaby for a Lost Child
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Reliques & Artéfacts
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Au Salon du Comte de Brume
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Sonate pour piano N° 2 - Chopin
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Peach Melba Musical
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Au Cœur des Ténèbres
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A Song for the Departed
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Mise en Cène
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A Trip Down Musical Lane
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"Same old song"
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Faites-moi Sonner, une Derniere fois
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L'envers du Decor
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Because a vision softly creeping...
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Valse Suspendue
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Clé de Sol
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Scene by the Brook
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Desperately Seeking Jill Valentine