IndysWhip: Breakfast
IndysWhip: My coffee
IndysWhip: Look behind you, Azrael!
IndysWhip: A new layer for the floor
IndysWhip: Bathroom floor
IndysWhip: Bathroom almost completely stripped bare
IndysWhip: Bathroom floor... Not how I left it...
IndysWhip: The stairs are getting their fair share too
IndysWhip: New toilet floor freshly tiled, not dry yet...
IndysWhip: New toilet wall and me...
IndysWhip: Delicious
IndysWhip: Go team, go!
IndysWhip: T on top of Viva la Vida
IndysWhip: Frappiato all gone...
IndysWhip: Tailing it...
IndysWhip: love my friends even more!
IndysWhip: love love love my new boots!
IndysWhip: love my new leather bracelet!
IndysWhip: Hanging out