IndysWhip: After all these years...
IndysWhip: Sleeping through the heat
IndysWhip: Tommie and I
IndysWhip: Cake at the Vooruit
IndysWhip: Bridge
IndysWhip: Gijsje
IndysWhip: Tommie lunges for my hand
IndysWhip: Tommie
IndysWhip: Gijsje
IndysWhip: Aaarghhh, matey!
IndysWhip: Jump!
IndysWhip: Hmmm
IndysWhip: Tommie doing her stretches
IndysWhip: Poking her head through
IndysWhip: Experimenting with my new toy!
IndysWhip: Lubitel 2 in the background
IndysWhip: What to choose, what to choose...
IndysWhip: After munching the Oreo...
IndysWhip: Trying out the white stuff...
IndysWhip: Attacking the sushi
IndysWhip: On the balcony
IndysWhip: Curious
IndysWhip: Experimenting