Fred / Canon 90D: Taken in the Dahlia garden held in Rekken.
evisdotter: View from Pommern
Kamelienfreunde: Kamelie / Camellia 'Paddy's Perfumed'
Kumaravel: Long-tailed shrike
Hiro.Morison (Tokyo, JAPAN.): Mecardonia acuminata ‘Gold Dust™’
Hiro.Morison (Tokyo, JAPAN.): Mecardonia acuminata ‘Gold Dust™’
Hottentot fig: A bee on a tassel hyacinth
Thelma Gátuzzô: Buff-winged Starfrontlet - female
Hydraheerd (Aly Bolhuis): ''.... groepsfoto / group picture ''
Paddu Rao: 629. Photo#4 orchid show 2023, Bronx, NY
Paddu Rao: 628. Photo#3 orchid show NYBG - 2023
images @ nitya: Munsiary
Peter Stewart Photography: Fragments of Hanoi V
Selva Rangam: Youth at CrossRoads...Ooty, India
Eleanor (No multiple invites please): Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria)