Indo Pilot:
Sunrise at 10,000 feet over North Sumatra
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Approach into Long Apung
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Deforestation in East Kalimantan
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Parked up after a hard day's flying
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Baggage unloading
Indo Pilot:
Crossing the Equator
Indo Pilot:
Early start at Malinau airport
Indo Pilot:
Dirty Cessna after landing on gravel
Indo Pilot:
Rain forest near Malinau, East Kalimantan
Indo Pilot:
Fishing in the Java Sea near Sebuku
Indo Pilot:
Happy passengers disembark at Malinau
Indo Pilot:
Delivering a scooter by air
Indo Pilot:
VIPs disembarking
Indo Pilot:
C-130 at Sepinggan Airport, Balikpapan
Indo Pilot:
Climbing out of Long Bawan
Indo Pilot:
Old meets new at Temindung airport
Indo Pilot:
Turnaround at Long Bawan
Indo Pilot:
de Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otter
Indo Pilot:
First departure after the rain
Indo Pilot:
Open pit coal mine, Sebuku
Indo Pilot:
Idyllic islands near Sebuku
Indo Pilot:
Oil platform off the coast of Balikpapan
Indo Pilot:
Private 737 and Global Express taxiing
Indo Pilot:
Working hard at Sepinggan Airport
Indo Pilot:
Approach into Beringin airfield, Muara Teweh
Indo Pilot:
Fresh water meets salt water
Indo Pilot:
Rainy day at 10k
Indo Pilot:
Short finals at Sepinggan
Indo Pilot:
Rain forest rivers
Indo Pilot:
Bombardier Global Express