indiknits: Our campsite at Two Jack Lake
indiknits: Cooper can't wait to eat
indiknits: Ready for seconds!
indiknits: Two Jack Lake
indiknits: Running
indiknits: Into the water
indiknits: And out of the water
indiknits: Are you coming, Mom?
indiknits: Token daisy photo
indiknits: Excuse me... I think you have some grass in your mouth
indiknits: Charging again
indiknits: Ear-flap
indiknits: Two Jack Lake
indiknits: Come on... throw the stick!
indiknits: Sticks are good
indiknits: Cooper
indiknits: Cooper
indiknits: All tuckered out... and cold
indiknits: Elk sighting
indiknits: Two Elk
indiknits: Cooper in the shade
indiknits: Johnson Lake
indiknits: Cooper
indiknits: Hanging out
indiknits: Cooper tries to take down the tent
indiknits: Cooper in the tent
indiknits: How you hang out in the rain