indietim: Pheasant
indietim: Pheasant and seed bell
indietim: Pheasant looks up
indietim: Phine Pheathered Phriend
indietim: Pizza Oven: base table
indietim: Monica is part cat
indietim: Daffy
indietim: Back to back they faced each other
indietim: Spring bonfire at Orchard Cottage
indietim: Starvin' Marvin's
indietim: Oh yeah! FTW!
indietim: IMG_2046
indietim: IMG_2042
indietim: IMG_2048
indietim: IMG_2051
indietim: IMG_2060
indietim: IMG_2064
indietim: Snake's head fritillary
indietim: IMG_2071
indietim: IMG_2072
indietim: Snakes Head Fritillaries
indietim: Scored the arc
indietim: IMG_2314
indietim: Opened the door
indietim: First door, then an enlargement
indietim: Inner dome
indietim: Cleaning out the sand mould
indietim: Praying to the fire gods
indietim: At least the fire will warm us up
indietim: Firestarter