India Water Portal: Cow shed at the farm
India Water Portal: The cow is indeed an object of worship at the farm
India Water Portal: One of the cows at the farm
India Water Portal: Calf at the farm
India Water Portal: Cow urine collection tank
India Water Portal: Cow shed at the farm
India Water Portal: Barrels of collected cow urine
India Water Portal: Sundararaman at his farm
India Water Portal: Liquid fertilizer preparation tank at the farm
India Water Portal: Bags of compost immersed in the tank
India Water Portal: Sugarcane waste (in the foreground) left to compost with minimal intervention
India Water Portal: Liquid fertilizer tank
India Water Portal: The gobar gas unit fuels the kitchen; slurry feeds the plants
India Water Portal: Pipes supplying the fertilizer to various parts of the farm
India Water Portal: Liquid fertilizer vending arrangement
India Water Portal: Liquid fertilizer and water mix used for irrigating the field
India Water Portal: The 'Dabholkar Plot' at Sundararaman's farm
India Water Portal: Organic farmer S.R.Sundararaman
India Water Portal: The well at the farm (Photgraphed in April 2012)
India Water Portal: The well at the farm (Photographed in May 2013)
India Water Portal: Sundararaman's farm, Sathy, Erode district, Tamilnadu