indiamos: Diego twirling a cube
indiamos: Diego Rioja
indiamos: The black box: interior
indiamos: The black box: interior
indiamos: The black box: latch top
indiamos: The black box: latch bottom
indiamos: The black box: latch detail
indiamos: The black box: closed latch
indiamos: The black box: closed
indiamos: Testing, testing, 1, 2, 1, 2
indiamos: Measure twice, cut once
indiamos: Box layers, preassembly
indiamos: Diego pressing the box layers together
indiamos: Diego pressing the box layers together
indiamos: The carved box
indiamos: The inside of the box
indiamos: IR sensor peeking through the foam
indiamos: Carolina, Sara, Michelle
indiamos: Filippo, Carolina, and Diego
indiamos: MC Squared on its stand
indiamos: MC Squared on its stand
indiamos: MC Squared on its stand
indiamos: MC Squared stand
indiamos: One side of MC Squared
indiamos: One side of MC Squared