indiamos: Spliced seam binding, detail
indiamos: Spliced seam binding, attached
indiamos: Spliced seam binding
indiamos: Spliced seam binding
indiamos: Seamed skirt
indiamos: Finished bodice
indiamos: Gusset from the outside
indiamos: Underside of the gusset
indiamos: Gusset sewn in
indiamos: Reinforcing gusset slash - slashed and turned
indiamos: Reinforcing gusset slash - seam tape stitched down
indiamos: Reinforcing gusset slash - stitching lines
indiamos: Reinforcing gusset slash - light table
indiamos: Reinforcing gusset slash
indiamos: Bicolor LEDs
indiamos: We are cooking with gas, now.
indiamos: Five! Prepared to solder.
indiamos: Why stop at just two?
indiamos: Not beautiful, but done.
indiamos: Using a magnifying glass also helps
indiamos: Look how many!
indiamos: Today's soldering setup
indiamos: A huge technological advance!
indiamos: Tiny, tiny LEDs
indiamos: Soldered!
indiamos: Success!
indiamos: Totally unsafe workspace
indiamos: Totally unsafe workspace
indiamos: My crazy soldering setup
indiamos: The Decorative Sewing Machine