indanile: Bikes ride free in Motown too.
indanile: Prometheus Radio Project/People's Production House training on producing radio pieces. Allied Media Conference 2009
indanile: Made in Detroit. Allied Media Conference 2009.
indanile: This is what intergenerational movement building looks like. Allied Media Conference 2009
indanile: This is what my poor busted shoe and the bottom part of my new Motown jumper looks like. Allied Media Conference 2009. Plenary.
indanile: Detroit on the Rise. Allied Media Conference Opening Plenary.
indanile: Diego Rivera, Detroit Industry. The Allied Media Conference Opening Plenary 2009.
indanile: Jenny Lee speaks at Allied Media Conference plenary while Vozmob folks show participants how to text and tweet thoughts on AMC for a collaborative plenary!
indanile: La Bamba covers at the Allied Media Conference.
indanile: Cande promises us a Fandango at the Allied Media Conference....
indanile: Rainbows and pedestrians pointing this way and that way and that other way. Detroit.
indanile: Rainbows and red lights. Detroit.
indanile: Radio towers and smoke stacks. Detroit.
indanile: Garden Bowl. Detroit.
indanile: Puck can bowl! Garden Bowl! Detroit.
indanile: Bowl-o-slammer. Detroit.
indanile: we bowl strikes.
indanile: We are Ready Now Radio Station. Allied Media Conference.
indanile: Autumn came to rescue us with her stencil shadowing skills just in time.
indanile: Makin of our stencil. Allied Media Conference.
indanile: Despierta. Pero Ya! Our Stencil we made during printmaking workshop with Beehive Collective peeps. Allied Media Conference.
indanile: Wayne State University. Detroit. Rock City.
indanile: People's Records. Records Wanted, Records Supplied. Detroit.
indanile: We Buy 45s. Cash for Olde Records and Radio Rios peekin behind the sign. Detroit.
indanile: The People. People's Records.
indanile: Detroit labels. Detroit Wheels.
indanile: Detroit Record Labels! Fight the Crime by the Detroit Blue Pigs!
indanile: Atlas Beverages Records Crates. People's Records. Detroit.
indanile: The scene at People's Records.
indanile: Detroit's got Soul. So does People's Records!